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Candele d'autore Tantine Creation
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Eau de toilette
I prodotti dell'Abbazia di Notre Dame de Ganagobie
Igienizzanti mani
Edible lavender
Mathilde M
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Ambient fragrance
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Ambient fragrance
Perfume your home in a natural way with the best Provençal proposals.
Bags and Baskets
Bags and Panier with a slightly Provençal and a little Parisian taste that is so...
Collane e bracciali per aromaterapia, bracciali in pietre.
Candele d'autore Tantine Creation
La storia inizia nel 2020 a Sainte-Maxime nel Golfo di Saint-Tropez.Una giovane donna appassionata di...
The classic Provençal ceramics for the table and the kitchen.
Eau de toilette
The best Provençal Eaux de Toilette and Eaux de Parfum.
Edible lavender
Medicinal lavender to use in the kitchen
Essential oils
A selection of natural essential oils.
Face and body care
A huge choice of natural products all of Provençal manufacture.
Gift ideas
A varied proposal of gift ideas!
Hand sanitizer
Natural sprays for hand hygiene.
Herbal teas, infusions and tea
The best Provençal herbal teas all certified by Ecocert.
Home textiles
Traditional Provençal linen for the kitchen and table.
I prodotti dell'Abbazia di Notre Dame de Ganagobie
La continua ricerca di prodotti naturali sul territorio provenzale mi ha portata all'Abbazia di Notre...
Lavender pillows
Pillows of Lavender Flowers and Lavender Flowers with Linseed for relaxation and well-being.
Mathilde M
Mathilde M dona raffinatezza e poesia ai vostri interni in uno stile classico-chic senza tempo.
Men's Special
Specific products for body and face care, eau de toilette and everything for the beard.
Natural home care
There is a lot of talk about ecology but the facts start here!
Prodotti in promozione e fine serie in offerta!
Provençal herbs and specialities
A collection of delicacies from Provence to the Camargue!
Scented candles
The best natural candles of Provençal manufacture.
Special Marius Fabre
Marius Fabre, 4 generations of soap makers since 1900, tradition, authenticity and unquestionable quality.
Speciale Estate!
I prodotti naturali indispensabili per un'estate protetta e senza pensieri!
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